Thursday, July 06, 2006


Congress is derelict

Congress is derelict, Congress is derelict. That is the cry streaming out of the gaping mouths of the public. By why? What is derelict mean in this sense? isn`t this same derelict congress elected by the (informed wisdom) of the public? Yes, but one at a time. 535 congressmen are elected in 535 individual isolated campaigns, each floated on flotsam of superficial bromides, disconnected from the reality of history.

This is so because the public, the informed citizenry, are in fact, narcissistic ignoramus who want to be told how good they are and how well they are doing. But mostly they want to be told how the big-nipple government will nourish their every desire. And it is to this the honorable senator Blow Mouth appeals. He presents himself as the great prospector of the inexhaustible government mother load. With his hand on the spigot of the milk and honey hose all his children will be well.

To accomplish this Senator Blow Mouth must have support from the other duly elected public servants in congress. Thus his main and only concern is to gain and remain in the good graces of enough other crooks to override any informed objections to his proposed theft. To do this his congressional gang must sing and dance in unison to the Kabuki ritual of national interest while funneling as much largesse as possible to the good folks back home. At least to those who give him the money to finance his reelection.

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