Saturday, April 23, 2005


Moussaoui pleads guilty ?

After all the smoke has cleared, after all the dirty deeds are known, after Bush and gang are gone, and all the shame has worn away, America still will be wedded to the tools of torture. This is so because they work. There is no human sound enough in mind or body to withstand the refined techniques of torture that hide within the well worn euphemism: interrogation. It is the deadly seed that sprouted to life under the green thumbs of the Bush administration. They know how to make anyone plead for death rather then the life-long regimen of torment they hold out. Christian lovers of peace proclaim sinners will burn in hell's fire forever. Like Prometheus' eternal torture the enforces of justice today offer hell on earth to anyone they choose. Guilt, innocents, right, wrong, it doesn't matter for they are the makers of reality. Justice you see does come from the barrel of a gun. Power does corrupt; it also rules.

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