Tuesday, October 21, 2003


The Big Bush Blunder

Bush Inc. lied to congress and the public to cover their real motive to invade Iraq. Bush believed he could get away with the invasion by announcing it a necessity, to save America form "a mushroom cloud" as Security Advisor Rice endlessly bleated. And by then secure his fame by displaying the soon to be captured arsenal of weapons of mass destruction before the world. This hallucination was fed by his Christian missionary zeal to make the world safe for Israel. Sadam was, after all, a visibly bad guy that never ceased proclaiming Israel must go. Add to this the fact that Iraq has vast lakes of oil the U. S. needs and rivers of water Israel disparately wants. The triple trophies to remove one of Israel's enemies, control over world oil markets, and and open a tap to water Israel, blinded Bush and gang to the realities of the situation.

In their ignorance they sought out and relied for accurate inside information upon expatriate Iraqis, who had their own dreams of power and wealth. The Bush brain trust paid no heed to the many reports that contradicted their crafty Iraqi experts. Predictions of political and social chaos in the wake of Sadam's demise from power were rife as autumn leaves. But the criminal Chalabi filled the ear of Bush and gang with stories of sweet success. For a price he told them what they wanted to hear. Sadam, he said, could be removed like a stone from the shoe and everything else in Iraq would remain the same. Oil would gush from the ground into pools of wealth, and people would forever dance in the streets singing the praise of Bush the savior great. And of course he would be more then obliged to suffer the pains of leading the new Iraq to Democracy.

Pride of the military smart bombs were supposed to leave the city whole while surgically killing the evil ones. Rather, those emancipating bombs failed to get Sadam as planned and instead, nonchalantly killed and maimed thousands of Iraqi civilians. The great invasion, naively dubbed "operation Iraqi Freedom," set off a human fire storm of looting and revenge that left Bagdad smoldering in ruins. The comprehensive looting stripped every government building bare to the walls, and beyond. Where the mighty liberating army expected to find functioning offices, filled with the smiling faces of joyful Iraqi bureaucrats, they found instead, burned out shells. Every government building, except for the Ministry of Oil of course, was gutted and burned; a scene reminiscent of Berlin's destruction by Allied dumb bombs in 1945.

The second ignominious mistake of the Bush team's dream was to ignore the destruction twelve years of U. S. imposed economic sanctions had on Iraq's oil, water, sanitation and medical infrastructure. Their assessments of the condition these basic public utilities were in was disgracefully ignorant or deceitful. In their haste to attack they foolishly assumed everything would hum along as before the bombs and vast streams of liberated oil money would pay the way to quickly bring everything up to modern standards. Liberating the people of Iraq meant liberating the moribund wealth underground.

Now the U. S. military bringers of freedom, patrol the streets of Bagdad, harshly enforcing their rules to eliminate all opposition just as every totalitarian dictator does. The failure to convince most people of Iraq that dictatorship is freedom puzzles the Bushites. They in their blindness see only goodness descending upon the waste land of Iraq.
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